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NTOU menjadi salah satu universitas terbaik di Taiwan dan juga menjadi salah satu yang terbaik di dunia khususnya di bidang Maritim (top-tier Maritime specialization institution in the world). Kampus ini terletak di bagian utara Taiwan tepatnya di Distrik Zhongzheng, Kota Keelung. Lingkungan kampus yang nyaman dan kondusif serta dikelilingi perbukitan dan laut membuat suasana belajar semakin menyenangkan.

Didirikan pada tahun 1953 dengan nama Provincial Taiwan Maritime Technology College. Pada tahun 1979 menjadi sebuah institusi nasional dan berganti menjadi National Taiwan College of Marine Science and Technology. Sepuluh tahun kemudian resmi menjadi sebuah universitas dengan nama National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU).

Sebagai salah satu universitas terkemuka di Taiwan, saat ini National Taiwan Ocean University memiliki 7 colleges yaitu: Maritime Science and Management, Life Sciences, Ocean Science and Resource, Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ocean Law and policy dan Humanities and Social Sciences. Ketujuh colleges terdiri dari 22 undergraduate departments, 11 graduate institutes, 27 master programs dan 20 doctorate program.

Berikut detail program yang ada di NTOU:

College of Maritime Science and Management 

– Department of Merchant Marine

– Department of Shipping and Transportation Management

– Department of Transportation Science

– Department of Marine Engineering

– Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Business Management

College of Life Sciences 

– Department of Food Science

– Department of Aquaculture

– Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology

– Institute of Marine Biology

– Institute of Food Safety and Risk Management

– Bachelor Degree Program in Marine Biotechnology

– Doctoral Degree Program in Marine Biotechnology

College of Ocean Science and Resource 

– Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science

– Department of Marine Environmental Informatics

– Institute of Earth Sciences

– Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management

– Institute of Marine Environment and Ecology

– Doctoral Degree Program in Ocean resource and Environmental Changes

College of Engineering 

– Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

– Department of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture

– Department of Harbor and River Engineering

– Institute of Materials Engineering

– Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Engineering Technology

– Doctoral Degree Program in Ocean Engineering Technology

College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

– Department of Electrical Engineering

– Department of Computer Science and Engineering

– Department of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering

– Department of Optoelectronics and Materials Technology

– Institute of Optoelectronic Sciences

College of Humanities and Social Sciences 

– Institute of Applied Economics

– Institute of Education

– Institute of Oceanic Culture

– Institute of Applied English

– Teacher Education Center

– Teaching and Research Center of Humanities and Social Sciences

– Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries

– Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management

College of Ocean Law and Policy 

– Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Law and Policy

– Institute of the Law of the Sea

– Master Degree Program in Ocean Policy

General Education Center

Center of Excellence for the Oceans

Taiwan Marine Education Center

Maritime Development and Training Center 

Untuk program S1, bahasa pengantar masih menggunakan Bahasa Mandarin. Untuk program S2 dan S3, bahasa pengantar menggunakan Bahasa Mandarin dan/atau Bahasa Inggris.

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